Entry fahin > fahy
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Fampihibohana, tsifamelana hivoaka na hikarenjy [1.10]
 Fanatavezana ny biby ompiana: Tsy nataonao tsara fahy itỳ omby itỳ ka mahia. [1.1]
Explanations in English Root of voafahy, afahy, mifahy, mamahy. [1.2]
1Fahy ombin' Imboarina ka ny trafony ihany no miedinedina [2.558]
2Inty ny vola farantsa hamidy nareo hena, ka ataovy tsara fahy tsara [2.48]

Entry fahin > fahy
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy  [Taimoro] Akondro iray reny, salohy [1.78]


Entry fahin > fahy
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Fampihibohana, tsifamelana hivoaka na hikarenjy [1.10]
 Fanatavezana ny biby ompiana: Tsy nataonao tsara fahy itỳ omby itỳ ka mahia. [1.1]
Explanations in English Root of voafahy, afahy, mifahy, mamahy. [1.2]
1Fahy ombin' Imboarina ka ny trafony ihany no miedinedina [2.558]
2Inty ny vola farantsa hamidy nareo hena, ka ataovy tsara fahy tsara [2.48]

Entry fahin > fahy
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy  [Taimoro] Akondro iray reny, salohy [1.78]
