Entry Crateva
Part of speech noun
Explanations in English Pantropical genus with 10 species; 4 to 6 endemic Malagasy subspecies. Crateva is distributed in humid evergreen forest, as well as dry deciduous forest from sea level to 1,500 m elevation. It can be recognized by its large flowers with free sepals and distinctly clawed petals much longer than the sepals, and large, fleshy to woody, globose to ellipsoid fruits. [2.515]
Local names 
Crateva excelsa alakamisy, ampody, ampoly, hazomalany, mafanankelika, matahotrantsy, teloravy, tohibarinasity, tongotrakoho, voampoana
Crateva greveana boramena, hazoampasy, keleoñy, kelihony, keliony, kipipika, manarotoloho, mangilakelika, mangily, salobe, teloravina, teloravy, tongotrakoho, tsilehibeko
Crateva obovata tangena, vodiaomby, vodiomby
Analogs  alakamisy

Updated on 2023/07/21