Entry paribolana > faribolana
Elementary words fari- (faritra) ; volana
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Tsipika boribory feno tanteraka ka mitovy ny elanelan' ny teboka rehetra aminy amin' ny teboka iray eo afovoany [1.1]
Explanations in English A circle, a circumference, a circuit [1.2]
 A circle [1.7]
Explanations in French Cercle [1.8]
Examples Nanao faribolana izahay ary niteny aho ka Robert Gagg no nandika teny ho amin' ny fiteny alema. [2.356]
Compound words 

Entry paribolana > faribolana
Part of speech noun
Explanations in English A children's game of making circles. [1.2]
Examples Nitsinjaka izy sy ny ankizy, dia nitotorebika nanao faribolana hitsipy sandry eran' ny ahi-maitso mavan' ny ranomasina midadasika. [2.5]

Entry paribolana > fari-bolana
Part of speech locution
Explanations in Malagasy Enti-milaza sary vorivory [1.1]