Entry herehina (herika)
Part of speech passive verb
Explanations in Malagasy Todihina jerena any ivoho: Hereho ny lasa mba handinihana izay hatao amin' ny ho avy
Atao, isahiranana: Be herehina loatra Rakoto ka hadinony ny hafatrao [1.1]
Explanations in English To be looked at by turning the head [1.7]
Explanations in French Qu'on regarde en se retournant [1.8]
Present : herehina, herehiko, herehinao, herehiny, herehintsika, herehinay, herehinareo, herehin', herehin-, herehim-, herehi-
Past : noherehina, noherehiko, noherehinao, noherehiny, noherehintsika, noherehinay, noherehinareo, noherehin', noherehin-, noherehim-, noherehi-
Future : hoherehina, hoherehiko, hoherehinao, hoherehiny, hoherehintsika, hoherehinay, hoherehinareo, hoherehin', hoherehin-, hoherehim-, hoherehi-
Imperative : hereho
Compound words 

Updated on 2023/08/11