Entry (1/2) | 1 amborasaha |
Elementary words | 2 ambora, saha |
Part of speech | 3 noun |
Vocabulary |
4 Medicinal plants |
Explanations in Malagasy |
5 Zavamaniry fanao ody tazo manampy ny kininina ny fakany, sady manakely ny atodintazo (Burasaia madagascariensis) [1.1] |
Explanations in English |
6 [saha, a field.] A shrub, from the leaves of which the Sihanaka make a decoction and give to those who are possessed by the vazimba, as also to those who have gonorrhea. The fruit is also pounded and rubbed on the fontanelle of newly-born children. Tambourissa sp. [Sihanaka]
[1.2] |
Explanations in French |
7 (1) (de ambora = nom générique des tambourissa, et saha = vallée). 8 Tambourissa baronii Drake (Monimiaceae) [Sihanaka] 9 Tambourissa hildebrandtii Perkins et Tambourissa trichophylla Baker (Monimiaceae). Voir ambora (1). [Bezanozano] [1.196] |
Phytonyms |
Scientific name |
Entry (2/2) | 13 amborasaha |
Elementary words | 14 ambora, saha |
Part of speech | 15 noun |
Vocabulary |
16 Botany: grass |
Explanations in French |
17 corruption d'ambarasaha, et hybridation avec ambora, d'où de nombreuses confusions. 18 Burasaia gracilis Decne. (nom déjà mentionné par Chapelier 1803). Burasaia madagascariensis (Baill.) Diels ; Spirospermum penduliflorum DC. (Ménispermaceae). [Betsimisaraka] 19 Pittosporum ochrosiifolium Bojer (Pittosporaceae). [Bezanozano] 20 Hypericum lanceolatum Lam. (Hypericaceae). [Merina] [1.196] |
Scientific name |
Updated on 2024/10/07 |