
Asa 16:10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them. Ary nony nahita ny fahitana izy, dia nitady handeha niaraka tamin' izay hankany Makedonia izahay, satria nataonay fa Andriamanitra no efa niantso anay hitory ny filazantsara amin' ny olona any. Ary rahefa nahita izany izy, dia nitady hankany Masedonia haingana izahay, satria nahalala marina fa nantsoin' Andriamanitra hitory ny Evanjely amin' ny olona any. Aussitôt après cette vision, nous cherchâmes à partir pour la Macédoine, persuadés que Dieu nous appelait à y porter la Bonne Nouvelle.