
Fit 2:8 The Lord hath purposed to destroy the wall of the daughter of Zion: he hath stretched out a line, he hath not withdrawn his hand from destroying: therefore he made the rampart and the wall to lament; they languished together. Jehovah ninia handrava ny mandan' i Ziona zanakavavy; Nanenjana ny famolaina Izy ka tsy namonkina ny tanany tsy handrava; dia mampitomany ny fiarovany ivelany sy ny manda Izy, ka miara-dreraka ireo. HETH Nosainin' ny Tompo ny handravana ny mandan' ny zanakavavin' i Siona, dia nohenjaniny ny famolaina, tsy nahemony tsy handrava, ny tànany; nataony misaona ny manda sy ny manda ivelany, niara-nitsingidina amin' alahelo ireo. Yahvé a médité d' abattre le rempart de la fille de Sion. Il a étendu le cordeau, ne retirant pas sa main que tout ne soit englouti. Il a endeuillé mur et avant-mur : ensemble ils se désolent.